Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So the Minnesota Vikings’ Adrian Peterson believes that he is enslaved by the NFL and his 10-million dollar contract I hear.
**%&$%^# him.
I say let freedom ring! Cut loose his bonds and set him free!
I have two days of work this month. Enslave my ass like that for 1/10th of the money and I’ll even let them beat me.

He also apparently said something like “if there weren’t football players there wouldn’t be any football.”

Oh yeah? If every single football player quit today, tomorrow the rosters would be filled with people who are dying to play a game and be a millionaire. The stands would still be filled with people also.
What this $%& clown said is insulting to his entire race let alone every other single person in the world.

I’ll tell you what. In my particular world, things are so tough that I am more enslaved than he could ever be. I am enslaved to a bunch of $&*@#*# in our government who have $*%$*$ up this economy so badly that I cannot see light at the end of the tunnel.

What this $*((#*bag said combined with what else is happening out there is making me lean towards turning this into a political blog…and the consequences be damned.
*%$*#***$&$ing &$*#&88  of a *$*#*@()(*##

Just to expand on that for a second. I usually have to be very cautious about what I say not only here but everyplace else because topics like religion and politics are taboo when one is trying to do business with people. I don’t have the luxury of that asshole (no hiding that word now) Charlie Sheen who has financial security so he doesn’t have to worry about losing a gig because someone doesn’t like his political view.

Do you think there is real freedom of speech in my world? I guarantee you that if I spoke my mind I would lose half of the work that I do have booked right now.

But the funny thing is that it might actually gather me more attention if I did.

I am currently teetering back and forth on this issue. I almost have nothing to lose at this point. Yes, yes, yes, I have reached some goals recently and I do have bookings upcoming. But I have only done 5 shows this year so far. I’m going broke.

And I can tell you for certain that someone with whom I did business before has not contracted me for any more business PRECISELY because he has opposite political views than I do.

So, I am pissed off today. And now…I am


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