Thursday, December 31, 2015

Year in Review

It's just sort of natural to begin, or end, a year and reflect on one's life and situation so this is what I am doing for anyone who might care.

Personally, it was a great year. I have the new found love and support of a beautiful woman and that alone would have made it great.

I have my great health and I am so grateful for it that it might be hard to explain if people don't see so many others with poor health problems or even death.

Professionally, I can't complain too much even though with this still-struggling and changing economy it can be difficult to navigate through challenges quite often. However, I try to work very hard and 2016 is already bearing the fruit of those labors.

Those who don't know me so well often believe I am crazy. I hear it, see it, and even sense it. Those who know me well know that everything they see and read that I am doing are simply going to be some things I set out to do and succeed at doing.

I'll start another project early in 2016 also and it will be another podcast. This one will be completely different from the nonsensical one that I have been doing for nearly 5 years now (which some people thought would last a month or two.) It will be one finally inspired by one particular live image that burned into my memory recently.

The image was that of an older I saw staring out of a window into an open field as I was turning around, sort of lost, across from his house. Why this made me decide to leap into action is probably just a result of a growing stack of such images, I suppose. But, nonetheless, it lit the fuse.

I often wonder about purpose in life and for what purpose I am here. Those who are religious would have all sorts of different religious-related answers for that, I am sure. But I'm not really one of those people so I think differently.

What I don't want to do is be without some purpose or use in life and in a much grander way than just in my particular small realm.

I have the opportunity to help a lot of people with hypnotherapy. During my time doing that work I have come to realize just how many more people need help and not just help with issues people already know they have.

As someone who has been clean and sober for over 22 years I can offer some guidance for those who are struggling 

As an entertainer who made a career change into this difficult field who makes a living in it now despite many, many setbacks and lots of hard work, I see so many others failing for very basic reasons. I can help those people too.

Simply as someone who has been alive for 54 years now and has accumulated many life experiences I have things to offer those with less.

So I hope that 2016 will have great things in store for those close to me and those whom I hope to reach this year.

Happy New Year!