Saturday, March 19, 2011

Step Up, Sign Up

For many years I worked 3-4 or even 5 different jobs at the same time. Currently, I have three but one of them is really only busy for a couple of weeks in June, one (sports video production) is very slow and my main line of work, my hypnosis/mentalism career has its peaks and valleys. Peak time is approaching there, thankfully.

This means that I have a lot of time to fill so I am always trying to come up with new ways to make extra money.

Generally it doesn’t matter what is it that I do as long as I am happy doing it, it puts enough money in my pocket, or satisfies some creative urge of mine.

This is why, if you take any note of anything that I might post on Facebook or anywhere else, you have found this that you’ll see all sorts of things that I throw out there to see what might catch on.

For example, I recently gave some thought to doing some internet marketing with a friend of mine. But one of the things that I can’t stand to do is sell stuff. No matter how that potential venture was spun, it was still a sales job. I take “no” for an answer. Why waste any more of my time after someone telling you no? I hate when I get sales calls so I’d be a hypocrite (almost typed hypnotist there) to try to be someone who tries to “overcome objections.”

For years I was an independent contractor for a couple of courier services in Wilmington. I loved doing that. Since I like to drive and travel, it was great. I could talk on the phone to do business, I could set my own hours and the people for whom I worked were great.

It was a very strange life though, especially when I was producing my TV show. Many times I would deliver a package or serve a subpoena on someone who had seen me on TV. More than one comment was made about how I could have done that while I was on TV. Interestingly enough, the driving job always made more money for me.

At the last place where I drove though, I had a bit of an altercation with someone there and sort of needed to retire on the spot.

The altercation was over a baseball argument, incidentally. It had been a very rough few weeks and that particular day was very stressful. Work had been real slow since the place lost a huge account and cost me about 75% of my income there. Then my live-in girl friend had her kid, who is a paraplegic, move in with us that particular week.

Then this nut job got in my face and was screaming at me about the Phillies and Mets series that was taking place and I had to punch him a few times.

During any other “normal” baseball debate like this with this guy it would have been fine but it was just a real bad week.
Let’s see…so after there I went to go try to get that big account that they lost for myself.
For three months I was pretty sure it was going to happen. A million-dollar account no less. The contracts were signed; I spent thousands of dollars for insurance and was even ready to retire from the entertainment career.

Then some asshole above the person with whom I made the agreement killed the deal saying that they weren’t taking any new services. That was even though I had been doing the same work for them for 7 years or so.
So I lost 3 months of work waiting for that to happen and thousands of dollars.

From there I tried personal training for a little while to fill in my time. I could make my own schedule so I could work that around my show schedule.

I made ten bucks in three months there so that was out.

Last year I decided to run a hot dog stand at a local park. We thought it would be a great way to get the kid involved and working since no one wants to hire him in a wheel chair and I could make some extra money also.  

Then it was so hot last summer that we couldn’t even open for half of the summer so I lost money there and sold that off over the winter.

Many other ideas have come and gone as well. I applied for Major League Baseball’s Dream Job. Guess that’s out also. (Now that might mean I get to talk about how their website screws up computer every time I try to use it.)

More than anything I just have this urge to create. It’s a hunger and a need of mine so consequences be damned, I’m moving forward along those lines.

I recently posted a couple of ads looking for people to join me creating new shows for podcast. The network that Kevin Smith has created, and on which I appeared a couple of weeks ago, really has me obsessed recently.

Lots of people are doing these types of shows. They are all over YouTube, ITunes, and other places too, I suppose. There are some good ones and lots of bad ones.

I can do some bad shows just as easily as anyone else can! So that is up next for me and for whoever wishes to try their hand at it.

One of the troubles is that I live in Delaware. If you are not a native of Delaware and live in Delaware, you already know what I mean.

Trying to find anyone creatively motivated around here makes this a Herculean task. I think I might be the only one here. If there is anyone that fits that category they move.

It might be time to move. Hell, I hardly do any of my stage shows here anyway. If my video business is down that should encourage me to scram. I just might need to move to a place where there are some people with vision.

I’ll give it a shot though. No one has even given me a call yet so that is about what I would expect. But I’ll be as optimistic as I can even though I think I would like to reboot the year of 2011 right now.

I’ll have even more time on my hands soon to work on a new project. The live-in girl friend is moving out April 5th. She can’t take me anymore I guess. The exact phrasing was “I can’t do this anymore.”

Ironically she got motivated to move out!
So I’m taking applications for those who wish to discuss creating some new shows or new projects with me. Also, I’m taking applications for a new girl friend in a couple of months.

If I don’t get any of the above that just might be the sign I need to move west.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. There have already been plenty of signs; I just posted a whole bunch of them.



  1. cheer up Man love im a Aussie on the otherside of the world,

    And i think youl make a great podcast why not aim it too mentalism / hypnosis etc and maybe other stage shows you could talk about how life is on the stage etc.

    aim for your own target audience even maybe baseball combine the 2 in your show its gotta be about your passions.

    anyways hope things get better for ya.
    love form Down under

  2. There are definitely three in the works and two of them that you just mentioned are included. The other one will feature myself and a couple of partners unleashing hell.

    Thanks and love back back at ya.



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