Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Biggest Loser - New Best Show in the World

It’s show night in DuBois, PA, wherever that is.

Good thing it’s a private party and not a public show tonight because the finale of American Idol is on and I am sure it will be well watched.

The winner of American Idol will be Alfred E. Neumann, and that is still the funniest thing that has happened on TV for a couple of years. This is not a slight to Lauren Alaina, anyone of the final 5 or 6 could have won, but it will be Scotty in a landslide.

Last night was the finale of the Biggest Loser one of the top reality shows on TV. I like to watch the very first show of BL, one in the middle and the finale. That is how you really get an impact of how this show has changed these contestants’ lives.

People on this show routinely lose at least 25% of their initial body weight and the winners are close to 50% with a couple over the years actually losing more than half of their weight.

Those are some fat people that land on that show, I’ll tell you. You have to have a lot of flub to be able to lose that much weight and not die.

Former Olympic Gold Medalist Rulon Gardner was on this show this year. He quit near the end of it and did not return for the finale. I missed the first 15 minutes of the show last night so I don’t know if they mentioned him or not. I get the feeling he just wanted to get re-motivated and felt that he didn’t want to upstage or out-perform the others on the show who were hardly athletes at all let alone one of Olympian caliber.

But the biggest bombshell thrown out at this show last night was literally a bombshell. Anna Kornikova will replace the legendary Jillian Michaels as a trainer on the show.

Already all men in American who watch this show now have no clue who Jillian Michaels is anymore.

Great Googly Moogly, Anna Kornikova….whoa. Now it looks like I’ll watch more than just those three episodes of that show’s season next year. Yikes. And…she looked goooood when she was introduced last night.

If you don’t know who Anna Kornikova is, here is a picture.

And another

And another.  It would even be ok for her to reject me and run away from me if this was the result...

I could go on and on.
She was a professional tennis player who never won anything and no one cared who owned male genitalia.

Then I watched The Voice while flipping back and forth a little to see who won Dancing with the Stars on its finale.
First of all, it was disturbing to watch Kirstie Alley, who came in second. While she remained completely talented and charming as always, I still had the picture of Anna Kornikova fresh in mind while Alley is dancing around on this show (where she should have been on Anna’s new show as a contestant) with a boob flopping out of her dress. Not that I mind boobs flopping out at any time, mind you, but…ugh…no good here.

Heinz Ward, the Pittsburgh Steeler won the trophy, but I really couldn't have cared less.

So, back to The Hair…I mean Voice. Still, Christina Aguilera has this horridly colored hair that takes all attention away from everything else while she is on camera. I want to like this show, but the fake applause is still grinding on me. I am not sure how much longer I can handle it and when America Has Talent and True Blood return I might have to ditch The Voice.

The Bachelorette started this week, I think. I watch the Bachelor because there are 30 desperate women who are trying to get the attention of whoever is the luckiest man in the world at the time. Some are even pretty hot. But watching this show is not particularly manly even with all of those women on it so that is gay enough for this straight man right here. I ave to draw the line at judging which desperate dude is going to get the girl who I never agree should have the opportunity to have all of them fake like they actually want her for a full season.

I am fully invested in The Event on NBC. It’s an alien show where aliens from another world are coming to Earth to RE-colonize it. The premise is that they were on Earth first and their home planet is ready to explode so they are returning over 2 billion people here. But we have never seen any hint of an alien since they are very close in DNA to humans.
That concept is far too convenient for me but it does allow the writers to have them intermingle with the human population as sleeper cells preparing for the Event to take place at some point. We learned Monday that the Event was NOT anything that has happened so far up to, and including, the event where their whole planet was transported between the Earth and the Moon. This was a pretty cool effect which they obviously spent a lot of the money they saved on alien costumes throughout the season to produce.

If you are someone who has listened to The Dungeon of Manlove podcasts first, let me thank you. For those who listened and were deeply offended by our very raw and filthy language, let me apologize even though you were warned. For those who listen please let me ask you to subscribe to the show the next time you listen to it.
We are tied into the advertising program where the show is hosted. Companies can shop around on the hosting site for popular shows or shows which match their particular demographics. Without subscribers there is no way that any company bothers to take a listen to what we are doing. Subscribing is free; it just requires registering on the site. So that you know, I have never had any unsolicited messages from the hosting site besides notifications that a new show to which I have subscribed is now posted.

Ok, so no baseball in this one today. So let me just mention that the Indians are still the best team in baseball AND that despite the fact that some of my early team predictions were off, some teams are now on the move that are making those predictions more in line with what I suggested might happen, including the run by the Red Sox, who are now just a half-game out of first place, and the Cardinals who now possess first place in the NL Central.


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