Monday, July 16, 2012

Correct Again

So far I am 8 for 8 in picking the winners of the quarterfinals on America’s Got Talent. It seems as if my real talent is spotting talent which is something that is totally useless unless I get discovered by a team or a show that needs someone to judge talent.
But unless I am a big named star I couldn’t get one of those jobs.
There is at least one spot open on American Idol as Steven Tyler has left the show after two years to pursue his music career again. Jennifer Lopez may even leave, it is rumored.
So now we have to hear about all sorts of names of possible replacements and one of the names is Mariah Carey.
My question about that would be to figure out why does a professional singer need to be a judge? Do the judges actually pull in viewers? I don’t watch these shows for the judges. If anything they can ruin it. The dancing show, which name escapes me, has some bizarre woman on there who screams like a jungle witch doctor and it makes it impossible to watch.
I tried to watch Dancing with the Stars a couple of times and there is some poofy judge on there who makes a total ass out of himself every time he gets excited about what he has seen and I can’t watch that either.

So I officially put out there that I am available to be a judge on American Idol and I will do the job, and do it very well, for one quarter of what Steven Tyler did it.

Big Brother started last night and I wasn’t able to watch so I’ll get to that tonight at some point. I applied for this season’s show so I am curious to see the personalities that were blended together for this year. As far as a “reality” game show is concerned this one is second best to Survivor, to which I have also applied as previously mentioned.

I am currently watching every episode of Weeds on Showtime. I think it’s in its 7th season now and I am midway through the 5th. It’s about a California suburban widow who sells pot for a living starting Mary-Louise Parker. I think that I love her now but that’s probably because I have spent more time watching her than any other real woman in quite some time.
I’m not sure it’s the best show that I have ever seen, but it has continued to keep my interest for this long so it has something going for it.
The music that they select to accompany this show is perhaps the worst that I have ever heard though.
But what disturbs me about the show is the fact that it has me thinking about what I would do to make ends meet. More often than not as a D-list entertainer I am not making ends meet. So I wonder if I would actually turn to a life of crime to do so.
However it does seem as if I even run through a yellow light I get pulled over by the police so I just wouldn’t make a good criminal.

Criminals do live rather well though. I mean, throw out the fact that there are all sorts of risks involved…like getting caught and shot at all that kind of good stuff… but besides that there seem to be some nice benefits.

Mary-Louise Parker

In less than two weeks the Olympics will start in London. There are apparently all sorts of problems from security issues to weather to venues not being ready. But I am sure that everything will happen on time and memorable moments will happen just as they do in every other Olympiad. I just hope that the Brits ward off any real security problems there. If there is any event that attracts terrorists to it, it’s this event. Just recall Munich in 1972 as an example.

That’s it. I really just wanted to brag about my correct picks from last week’s AGT.


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