Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Festering Plague

At the Sochi Winter Olympics, at the moment, the USA stands in 4th place in total medals. 

I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. Considering colder weather nations like Canada, Netherlands and Norway are ahead of us, I think it’s a good showing so far.

One wonders about Sweden, however, which is a cold-weather country too. They only have 2 medals. But then I go back to the opening ceremonies and recall all of those hot blond women walking into the stadium and it makes more sense. The Swedes have a lot of other things to do besides train to ride a sled. 

Four of our medals are in events that weren’t even in the Winter Games 20 years ago or so like Snowboarding and Freestyle Skiing. But leave to our ingenuity in this country to create new events, get a head start on other countries and get real good at them, market them and then petition to get them in the Games. 

I still can’t figure out how we can’t find people to sit in a sled and go real fast down a hill to win some medals and how certain countries excel at that. Is there some sort of social commentary to make about that?

Bob Costas’s eyes are getting worse. First there was some nasty plague growing in his left eye and now it’s migrated to his right eye and is festering in there. I don’t wish anyone ill will however since I have a dark sense of humor I would find it funny to watch him deteriorate and basically melt over the course of the next two weeks.

I’m still crossing my fingers that they won’t allow him back in the US. 

I was listening to someone criticize NBC for its coverage of the Opening Ceremonies. Russia celebrated its history, naturally, that included nods to time when Russia was part of the Soviet Union. The criticism was that the announcers were embracing those parts of the presentation. 

I know NBC is filled with a bunch of people who do romanticize Collectivism and Communism (which are the same for those who try to push that crap on us or who fall for that) but to be fair they had to read what was given them to read. It was the same way in China. 

Were they allowed to make commentary in any way? I think probably not. It would have been rude to do so anyway. These are Russia’s games and they won the right to have them and propagandize all they want. The Russians should just be happy that NBC is the broadcast network and they do have many sympathizers stateside. So, no, it was wrong to bash NBC for that.

Just bash Costas for attempting to stir political controversy on day one. 

And this....

...is just because


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