Friday, February 13, 2015

New NBC News Anchor

The Bryan Williams story makes me shake my head. If I'm in charge of deciding if he stays or goes based on what he did, he goes. It's a no-brainer.

I know for a fact that in 5 minutes I can find a replacement who will do a better job, represent my company better and will cost me less.

There are only 3 major network nightly news shows like this and perhaps, oh I don't know, 5 million people from whom to choose to take that spot so it should go without saying that if he made up a story or embellished a story and reported such a fabrication or embellishment that he gets fired.
Take note NBC. I will read the teleprompter as a news anchor for that show for...I don't know...$250,000 per year?! Think of all of the money that you will save and I won't make up stories.

The fact that its a major news story keeps my head shaking. Every other tv and cable opinion show host makes it a lead story. I get that in their industry its big, but I am pretty sure they are the only ones who really care.

This does bring me back to the situation with athletes who cheat to win. Bryan Williams is no different than them when it comes right down to it.
Just another example of a potential role model who fails at being one.
I think we all need role models but I think that real role models need to be richly rewarded instead of these lying, cheating scumbags who do.

One of my friends is one of the more talented, organized and hard-working people I know. He is broke. It doesn't make sense.
Williams is making 13 million dollars a year. I should say, WAS, because he did get suspended without pay. He is worth a reported 50 million dollars.

Good for him in the sense that anyone should have the ability to earn whatever they can make in this country. I just think it should be done honestly.

I drive a lot of miles every year; less so than about 10 years ago but a lot. Gas prices and tolls are an issue for me. So I have to say this...ANY politician who proposes a gas tax hike or a tax per mile driven should be immediately removed from office.

I know that a couple of cents here and there doesn't really make a big difference in reality. But in perception it does and in politics perception IS reality.

So I don't care in which party such a jackmeat resides. If he or she proposes raising those sorts of taxes they should be pitchforked out of office.

Our country, again, continues to set records for tax income. We have become champions at removing money from people's and company's coffers. It's truly disgusting and what's even worse is that we continue to set new records on overspending. They are all guilty of it, no matter who steps up to say otherwise, because the end result is all that matters.
And this will just get worse, I'm afraid.

This is just a basic rant. I really wish I had something profound to say so that I can inspire a generation today. Alas, I don't. So, it's back to work trying to make a living which politicians will yank out from under me. It's back to trying to figure out why the world is so backwards that liars, cheaters and criminals prosper when my friends who work hard and create amazing things and do nothing but good are broke.


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