Thursday, February 4, 2016

President Rubio

People want different things in a leader but generally I think there are two major abilities; 1- the ability to get things done and; 2- the ability to inspire.

After the Iowa Caucuses I now think that the next President of the US will be Marco Rubio, the Senator from Florida.

While I acknowledge, and have here, that people are wired differently and a group of people will respond accordingly to, let's say, speeches by Presidential candidates, I find it very hard to believe that Rubio will be defeated in the long run because of his ability to inspire people.

I would also find it very hard to believe that a majority of people could listen to him speak and not be inspired.

I know that the Democrat Party fears him the most and its because he has the type of effect on people that Obama did when he was in campaign mode.

Would that translate into success if Rubio does win, though? I guess not if you take a look at the past 7 years.

Rubio has the ability to do what Obama cannot though...speak articulately without a teleprompter. He has a true gift.

In my opinion, the President has to be one who has the ability to inspire. He, or she, has to motivate people to get things done. It's ultimately why I think that ability is more important than the ability to get things done. Because the President is only 1/3 of the Government. He can't do much by himself. He has to have the ability to motivate a group of people into action.

Trump has that ability but I just don't think he will be around long enough to prove it.

The Trump-Cruz battle is counterproductive for both of them and because they have taken on each other this now opens up the doors for Rubio.

Believe this or not, I also think it opens up a sliver of hope for Chris Christie even though its a very, very small sliver. If he doesn't perform in New Hampshire, where he has a real good ground game, then he is done.

Nine now left on the Republican side and two complete losers on the Democrat side.

I'm sorry, but that's just a reality. I don't care how someone is wired right now; Bernie Sanders is a communist and Hillary Clinton is probably a criminal and was such a poor Secretary of State and Senator that I, for the life of me, cannot figure out how she actually has anyone pulling for her. Why Democrats aren't burning down the DNC headquarters demanding a real candidate is utterly baffling.

I do believe its simply a lack of education and a lack of care.

A friend told me the other day he liked Bernie Sanders because he "wasn't taking any money" for his campaign. Seriously...that is what he said.

Sanders has been in the Congress for over 20 years. So...just start there. But then lets just mention that he has raised over 20 million dollars recently. I haven't seen him turn any of that away.

Wherever that money comes from is irrelevant; he has taken it. Case closed. Now open up your eyes and come up with the next reason to vote for an actual communist.

It's difficult to write publicly about these things while not being financially secure and having some "F-you" money. I have to try to do business with pretty much anyone who wants to do business with me.

But people who made the decision to vote for Obama the past two cycles made decisions that helped put me in this financially-insecure position as well as millions of other people too. So I have to stand up and say my piece and try to be as convincing as possible. (Some greater convincing might come later...I have some venting to do first.)

There will never be a perfect candidate for President...ever. Every single person has a belief or has done something that half of the people in the country won't like. That is just a fact.

But I believe that that most people need to hear someone who inspires them into action. Someone who makes them feel good about themselves and the country and the possibilities for a great future without saying stupid shit like "[T]his was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

That's what I wanted to get off my chest today. Hear more about some of my friends current thoughts on our podcast WoW with Marsh and Mike.


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