Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Super Trump

Super Tuesday is in the rear view mirror and through the windshield the coast looks clear for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Its becoming ever more evident now that what many people say continues to look true…that there is no real difference between the Democrat and Republican parties. I’ve been saying that for years and have been just as frustrated as everyone else at people who tell me they are going to one thing and do quite the opposite when they get to Washington. 

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, the former VP candidate, is a prime example. He was supposed to be this fiscal hawk but as soon as took the gavel of the House, he helped ram through a massive spending bill that could be described just nicely as “way too much Government.” 

This is why Trump has the traction he does. People instinctively seem to realize that since he is self-funded and is not already an incumbent politician and that the successes they see him have in business make him a true outsider. 

What would that mean? It would seem to mean that if Trump is elected President that the chances of being influenced by the type of money it appears influence those who get into office with much smaller life savings might be much less. Certainly much less that someone who clearly has benefited…in a multi-million-dollar way like Hillary Clinton. 

I thought Trumps “news conference” last night after 5 or 6 states went his way showed some growth in his podium speaking. He will need such growth as the weeks and months pass. Certainly he doesn’t sound “Presidential” whatever that really means. 

I think that sounding Presidential is now probably not a good thing because if we continue to get Presidential-sounding people we will continue to get those people who fail to fulfill the promises they make when they get into office.

It is said that if everyone likes someone that the person is manipulative because it is impossible to have everyone like you. So I find it odd that the Republican establishment is calling Trump a con man and a manipulator because certainly he isn’t liked by everyone. 

I really don’t like him when he speaks, most of the time. But I don’t have to like the President. I only have to like what he does for my country and for me. 

I don’t dislike Obama. I dislike what he has directly done to me because of policies implemented under his administration and for the damage I believe he has done to America. He seems like a decent enough guy. I know he doesn’t like ME, though, because I am a registered Republican.

I like Marco Rubio. Perhaps I like him a little less because he has taken to telling dick jokes in his stump speeches now. The negative campaigning is disgusting to me when its against someone in your own party. 

I do think it very telling that suddenly Mitt Romney grew a set of balls and is starting to campaign negatively against Trump, a fellow Republican and fellow former left-of-center thinker.

If that supposedly works, one would think his balls should have been bigger when he ran for President and nothing negative to say about Obama.

But, then again, they do all pretty much seem to play for the same team anyway…right? 

This is why Trump is winning.  

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